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Charitable Grants

In 2007 the Foundation started its Charitable Grants Program to assist Organisations in the Central Queensland region that support the welfare of aged, infirm, disabled or needy persons.

To date, over $2.3mill has been granted to worthy applicants for a wide range of goods and services.

Available funding for Grants is announced in the Foundations Annual Budget and although there is not a set limit on the amount of funding that can be applied for, the budget available each year will determine how many Grants can be approved.

Grant Applications will be accepted in two rounds, the first closing March 15th, and the second closing Sept 15th each year.

Charitable Grants Rockhampton Yeppoon


Applicants MUST read the Grant Application Guidelines first to ensure that they are eligible to apply for a Grant.

Download Grant Application Guidelines

Examples of Charitable Grants Recipients:

  • Autism / Multicap / Cerebral Palsy Rockhampton
  • Various CQ Men’s Sheds
  • Various Aged-care Facilities – Rockhampton & Yeppoon
  • Meals on Wheels – Rockhampton & Yeppoon
  • Dymocks Children’s Charities – for Indigenous and disadvantaged Schools
  • Cycling Without Age – Yeppoon & Rockhampton
  • Various CQ State Schools Special Ed units
  • Local Scout Groups
  • Sailability Yeppoon
  • Sporting Wheelies Rockhampton
  • Rockwheelers Basketballers
  • Livingstone Shire Beach Day Out
  • Emu Park Surf Lifesaving Club – Disability Beach Access
  • Cockscomb Veterans Bush Retreat
  • Fitzroy Community Hospice
  • Anglicare CQ Safe Places Project
  • Fitzroy Community Hospice
  • Benaraby Progress Association
  • Capricornia RSL Sub-Branch
  • The Shelter Collective – ARC 20 Project
  • The Smith Family – local students


The Grant Application form must be completed before funding can be considered by Iwasaki Foundation.

Please read the Grant Application Guidelines before completing this form to ensure eligibility and use the Grant Application Checklist (below) to ensure all necessary information is included with your Application. 

All information provided by the applicant will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Grant Applications will be accepted in two rounds each year, the first closing March 15th, and the second closing Sept 15th.

Apply Online


Download the Application Form

Important: Please ensure the use of Adobe PDF Reader when completing any downloaded forms. The use of any other programs may result in lack on functionality in some fields and loss of completed data. Adobe PDF Reader can be downloaded for free here.

Grant Application Check List

Before submitting your Application, please check to ensure you have attended to the following essential items.

  1. Read and understood the Guidelines.
  2. Section 1 – Provided Applicant details including GST & ABN.
  3. Section 2 – Adequately explained the purpose for requesting funding. this includes two quotes from suppliers fro the items or services that you are requesting funding for.  If only one quote can be supplied, please explain why.
  4. Sections 3 & 4 – Provided number of members, age groups and how many are mentally or physically infirm, disabled or needy.
  5. Section 5 – Adequately explained “financial need”
  6. Section 6 – a. Balance Sheet preferably to the month immediately prior to lodgement of this application. b. Profit & Loss statement / Income & expenditure for the last financial year.
  7. Section 8 – Requested amount of funding and whether to be paid in a lump sum or instalments.
  8. Signed and dated page 4 of Application form.
  9. Ensured all extra documentation is attached to Application.

If you have answered NO to any of the above questions, you will need to inform the Foundation as to why, either in an attached schedule, or in the covering email when lodging the Application.