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Charitable Grants Online Application

Online Application for funding assistance by Clubs or Organisations

This form must be completed before funding can be considered by Iwasaki Foundation.

Please read the Grant Application Guidelines before completing this form to ensure eligibility and use the Grant Application Checklist to ensure all necessary information is included with your Application. Both of these can be found on the Website.

All information provided by the applicant will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Grant Applicants can be submitted anytime throughout the year.

    1. Applicant Details

    2. Describe the purpose for which funding is required (If insufficient space below, please attach schedule): *

    3. What is the Applicant's total membership and what number, or percentage of that membership suffer from a mental or physical infirmity, disability or need? *

    4. What numbers or percentages of the Applicant's members are in each of the following age groups?

    5. Please illustrate how the Applicant qualifies as ‘financially needy’: *

    6. Please provide copies of the following:

    a. A Balance Sheet preferably to the month immediately prior to lodgement of this application.
    b. A Profit & Loss statement / Income & Expenditure for the last financial year.

    7. Please set out here, or in an attached schedule, any other information which might be relevant and which the Applicant wishes to bring to the attention of the Foundation having regard to the eligibility criteria set out in the guidelines:

    8. Financial Details of funding sought

    Manner of funding to be drawn
    If by one (1) lump sum
    If by instalments

    9. Additional Uploads:

    The Foundation reserves the right to require further information from the applicant. Neither receipt of this application nor any request for, or receipt of, further information from the applicant by the Foundation will fetter the discretion of the Foundation to grant or refuse the application, or grant the same subject to the conditions or in an amended form, as the Foundation in its absolute discretion thinks fit.

    Please phone the Foundation Office on 0487 110 191 for further information.

    Please read the Application Checklist before submitting your application.